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Pink hevad lol
  Pinkk Sugar, Jan 10 2012

Aww you were talking to my man

So it's been a hell of a month and im said to see my over all results...

Lost about 10 k over the course of the month... I am not at all surprised although I have been a bit discouraged lately... I ran like god for a few months so I suppose it was inevitable to go on a down swing... I decided to drop down to 24 and 3 6 for a few thousand hands and enjoyed the wonderful fun of busting even and losing piles of huge plus ev spots... O well thats Omaha and not alot you can do about it

Over all I am very happy with my year in general and will be putting alot of time into my business in 2012.

If there is interest I may post as far as I have gotten in my business plan and see if anyone can post comments or info maybe some suggestions on how I can improve it as I am relativly new to the process :D

O well hugs to all


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Pink Dec 6th! Business!
  Pinkk Sugar, Dec 06 2011

So after talking to a couple of my new found friends on LP from MSN I have decided to post something very close to me that I have been working on a long time. My goal of this post is to start a discussion and to follow along anyone who is interested in watching me try to transistion from cards into being a business owner.

I am not talking about giving up poker just playing it on the side. After talking things over alot with my hubby i realized im in a very rare situation ion my life... I paid all my bills up to june of next year and have approximately 21k left over from my card winnings. The bank also approved me yesterday for a 40k line of credit to use as I please. These 2 factors give me the financial means to make this work. My hubby has also agreed to carry the bills of the home so all I have to pay is my car payments per month. This should give me sufficient income to be able to invest full time into my business.

The type of business I want to get into is the resale of second hand jewellery video games and electronics. Sort of a pawn shop but not.

At the moment im looking at types of software and have a few links to post of what im looking for:
this link brings up a point of sale system used in second hand stores and would be perfect for me. Unfortunately the software is 7 thousand dollars and I can spend a huge chunk of my budget on just my software.

My first question is are there any programmers that have experience with POS systems and could make somehting like this for me ? If its possible how much would it cost? and could it be made compatable with a lable printer ? I dunno its my ideal scene and what im trying to find.

these are 4 other companies I found that sell simmiliar products.

Is there anyone on the forum that has experience with Second hand stores? Keep in my im not pawning anything simply buying the items and reselling them at a profit. I am simply looking for the software to run this type of business.

All i need is software that allows me to buy items keep track of who sold them to me when and for how much to handle the local law enforcement laws and when I sell the item to take it out of inventory ring it up as a sale and to keep track of the taxes I owe to remit to the government and print a receipt for the customer.

Anyway Im realy hoping I dont get alot of trolling and can find some serious young minds that are either smart with software or simply enjoy talking about business or poker.

I have also decided to post my MSN: for those of you who want to talk poker or business or who feel they could help me with my goals. Also if there is anything i can do to help you guys let me know

As always



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Pinkk Blog Dec 3rd
  Pinkk Sugar, Dec 03 2011

So a disappointing 1st day of play... But i feel I played extremally well and lost the minimum through the 3 sessions...

I played a 4 hour 600 hand session of 2/4 and 3/6 and posted a net loss of approx 80 big bets. The games were generally terrible and reg filled and when playing amongst those fields you tend to run into a great deal of variance. Over all I played very well and reviewed 10 of my key losses and felt i could have saved only one bet on a hopeless river call.I also could have saved a bet on the river firing a hopeless 3rd shell on a board that my oppenent was obviously gonna show down on. These are good indicators of obvious spots to me that I miss from playing more tables. I will definately add a little more attention when im deciding to bluff a dangerous board and make a mental note of what cards Ill abandon my bluff on.

My 15 30 session was a 3 hour HU match versus a player I feel a have a decent edge in. Unfortunately I made very few scoops and generally found myself in alot of situations where my oppenent hit some miracle cards and crushed me in almost all of our key hands. Overall I think he played very well but I stand by my play happily and will gladly play him in the future because I feel I have a good edge.

Last session I played was a very strange 10 20 match. My oppenent opened up by folding nearly 60% of his hands HU so you see my graph just slowly creeping up on him and then he just exploded. we won a few key pots against me and still continued to play very tight and then I won 4 or 5 in a row and he blew up. Raising and 3 betting about 95 vpip and 75 3bet and off he went.

Needless to say im happy with the sessions for the day despite my losses.

I am a bit disappointed as I wanted to start my blog off with some big wins but unfortunatelty losses come to us all and its very important to handle these situations with care.


Im heading to a family event with my hubby soon to enjoy the season a bit and I will try to get a session in tnite when I get home.


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